January and February in Shenyang
Dear Friends,
The months of January and February this year included Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) AND the winter school holiday so separating it into different events is not easy! It was business as usual mostly at the orphanage with a few more teams of visitors coming to bless the kids there because of the season. The photos reflect one “like-minded” team as well as two of our boys: LiangLiang and LuPing who also went with Migyeong to help out. ZhiLei spent another “overnight” during that period and proved that he is definitely a BOY who wants to indulge in “boy” things such as playing computer games when he is here and under the influence of the older guys!
Spring Festival is very much a family occasion so we spent most of the time with our family: the three boys and Alice, our volunteer from Michigan. We went out to eat several times at different restaurants near our home and other than that, spent loads of time just being at home. Fortunately, the amount of fireworks seemed to be less this year, probably because the new president of China is conscience of the environment and led the country in this direction. This was especially welcomed by Migyeong and me because we were a little puny during this time period and needed the rest! We are both better now and the weather seems to be cooperating with warmer weather, too. It’s a little early to believe that the cold stuff is over, though!
We ask for your prayers for the health of our 36 kids at the orphanage, the three 18 year old guys, our caregivers and us.
We especially thank you for your love and support, both through prayer and your financial gifts during these lean months.
Love, Migyeong and Elaine

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