September, 2010
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Dream Home in Shenyang, China. We were very glad to visit MingGe’s home in Maine this summer. She has grown up a lot and is loved so much by her lovely family! She has almost forgotten how to speak Chinese! She asked Migyeong who was her mother when she was a baby. Of course, Migyeong said that “It’s me” Her answer is that “I know”. MingGe’s Mama said that she is happy to have three Moms: one is her birth Mom, one is Migyeong and another is her adopted Mom! MingGe’s family gave us farewell party with a bunch of lobsters being served along with loads of other good food and invited around 50 people including the teachers and students who visited the Dream Home in 2006 and 2007. It was such an unforgettable time with all our friends. We recently got an email (and a call) from her family saying that she has had a successful surgery on her face and eye in Boston Children’s Hospital in early September. According to her surgeon, she might lose the sight in one eye in the future if she didn’t have this corrective surgery. It is so wonderful to hear about her life after her adoption.
It was raining last night again. This summer was unusual. It has rained a lot and many places were flooded in China including the northeast where we live. The road going to the orphanage has been under repair since last July. It takes 1 hour and a half instead of 30 minutes from home to the orphanage now. We hope that the road will be repaired before winter. Anyway, do you know what has happened to three school boys because of the situation of the impassable road? Let us talk about the story: Luping. Liang Laing and YongEn are living in the city and were going to the school near the orphanage by car every school day. Because their school is located in the middle of the road construction, the car was unable to get to their school and it is not easy for Luping to walk very far. Besides, YongEn uses a wheelchair which makes it impossible for him to get to his school without using a car. We had to do something for their schooling! We prayed a lot and tried to ask the schools in the city to accept them. In the past, all the principals of the city schools refused to allow them to study there. We asked 7 years ago and again this year when the boys moved from the orphanage to live near us.
We couldn’t just give up their education because of the road situation! There is number 12 middle school near boys’ apartment and so, Migyeong went there to discuss the situation of the two boys. The principal, who is a nice young man, understands the road situation and finally accepted the two boys! How about YongEn who is in the 6th grade? We went to two different primary schools near by home for YongEn. He was refused by two schools. We prayed and prayed for a solution to YongEn’s school problem. We were so glad that God gave Migyeong the wisdom to go the same school as two boys and to ask the principal again if they could accept YongEn. Guess what? The principal had the same compassion for YongEn and accepted him as the first year in the middle school! His English is advanced compare to his classmates and he became a group leader in English class now. He is very proud of himself and was very happy to get the first school uniform in his life! So, he has advanced to the 7th grade in middle school from 6th grade in the primary school now. Actually, each boy should pay $ 500 to transfer to the new school but the school gave us a special benefit and we only had to pay $700 for all 3 boys! One of their teachers also bought note books and pens for them. We were very comforted by their love. Please, pray for their adjustment in the new school.
We have other good news for small kids too. Leann got the letter from the adoption center in BeiJing and might come to China to get Wenxi in November! Thank you for everyone’s prayers. We got 4 more new kids last August so now, we have 24 kids at the orphanage. ZhiLei is one of new kids and he is four years old. He has “fragile bone” disease but he can crawl well and is a very smart boy. He can count to 100 and likes to play with blocks. He refused to take a nap after lunch so that he could play with Wenxi and Jiahao. We hope that he will get stronger and be healed from his fragile bone problem. Please, remember to pray that his body is strengthened.
We are always ready to welcome teams. Teams can encourage not only our kids (and us) but many other Chinese including our staff. We were very happy to have some Korean kids and their Sunday school teachers come for a visit in August. They helped feed our kids during meal time and, since they were kids themselves, they knew how to play with our kids! It was a good experience for them to know kids with special needs. They were able to learn to be more thankful for the blessings in their own lives. They also were able to learn about a different culture and visit the oldest church in Shenyang where there is a Bible museum. They learned that this was where the Bible was first translated into Korean! If you know of any teams that would like to come to Dream Home, please, let us know! We would be so happy to welcome them! We would appreciate all your prayer for our faithful ministry. We would also appreciate all your support and love. This news letter is dedicated to all of you who made our dreams a reality through your prayer and support.
G_d bless you.
Migyeong and Elaine
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
Ambassadors of Joy (China)
P. O. Box 35511
Tulsa, Ok 74153-0511
“Open Bible Fellowship”
1439 E. 71st. Street
Tulsa, Ok. 74136
With “mission/Migyeong Kang” in the memo of the check
Our mailing address in China:
Elaine Hennessy
18 XinAnJiangJie 19 lou,
1-10-2, HuangGuQu
Shenyang, Liaoning 110035 CN
Our US phone number in Shenyang:918-289-2150

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