May 31, 2010
Dear Friends,
May was a continuation of the frenzy that started who remembers when!? It seemed to culminate with the moving of our little kids and all their stuff from the former “Children’s Building” to the new one. This move was made more difficult by the fact that the new elevator wasn’t in operation for the move! That it was possible at all was a miracle aided by the help of several groups of students that were willing to tote the stuff up three and five flights of stairs! The willingness and strength of youth is amazing!
We were also repeatedly blessed by visitors from various groups including the Shenyang International Club and the US Consulate who have become almost regulars with their visits! We even had some special guests from the States that came with the Consulate friends that included a nurse that was able to look at some of our little ones as well at LuPing and DaPing (Sam) who had various “booboos”. The smiles that these visitors produce in the children some of which seem to be almost resistant to such signs of pleasure, are so welcome and appreciated. Part of the sharing included music in the form of some great Stevie Wonder from an iPhone and some Jewish music on my mp3!
I was able to slip away from the visitors and the little ones to make a short visit to see the youth. I believe that they have survived the transition in good style and are getting back their old confidence! CaoWu has joined XiaoPing in the adult building and I was able to see him today and do a couple of laps around the quadrangle in front of their building that is on the same site as our old building. Once the dust clears, Migyeong and I will be able to visit them more regularly, I believe. The girls, at least, seem to have very nice and kind caregivers and that makes a huge difference in their quality of life. I just haven’t met the boy’s caregivers yet but I’m sure that they are the same.
LiangLiang, LuPing and Sam are still with their noses in their school books most of the time. A Chinese friend dropped by to share some chicken wings and some other food with them and helped me teach them some of the rudiments of “spades”, a game I’ve always enjoyed. I’m hoping that it will teach them some sense of strategy as well as some “number sense” as we continue to come together occasionally to play.
Most of my time has been involved with planning the activities of our upcoming trip to Korea and the States. We will be leaving June 11 and will be spending ten days in Korea before continuing on to Maine, Texas and Oklahoma! We are SO looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can fit in during our short stay!
I’m going to take the “chicken” way out and let the photos that are attached tell the “rest of the story”. The ongoing sagas of the adoptions of WenXi and JiaHao are just that: ongoing but heading for ultimate success! It being “that time of year” many of our international friends are planning on returning “home” for visits with their families in the States, the UK, Belfast, etc. and we wish them travelling mercies and safe returns after successful trips. We are praying for our van to continue to be faithful to our mission, especially after replacing the brakes, the clutch, the radiator hoses, the battery, the spark plugs and the connectors! The good news is that we’ve been introduced to a very competent mechanic by our friends in the “night” market. He is within walking distance (very important when your “wheels” aren’t working!) and reasonable! Just this week, he came with a friend and used jumper cables to start the very dead van! We can see the handwriting on the wall, though, and are going to start seeking donations for the new vehicle that is no doubt needed in the not too distant future. We really appreciate your continuing donations this month and especially those that have been able to kick in extra! Your prayers are also very appreciated and so necessary. Please keep them up as we travel and especially, please cover our kids that they as well as our caregivers will have perfect health while we are gone. We know that with His help and yours, we’ll continue to be able to serve the kids He’s given us and give the glory to HIM! Oh, yes, the number of rooms in the new Children’s Building that we have are increasing from three to six! What an opportunity! And a challenge!
We love you all!
Elaine and Migyeong

A gaggle in the new building.

A giggle for the visitor.

cute decor

da boys

enjoying music

good help

gotta dance

interest shown

lots of activity

problem solver


still smiling

The final plan

the girls

wants something

who's gonna win?
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