February 7, 2009
Dear Folks,
This has been a very full month what with the lead up to Spring Festival and lots of other stuff such as the return of old friends and the departure of another one.
We started out the month with a lightening one day visit by a team of folks mostly from New York state. Their visit was facilitated by some good friends from Hong Kong that had graced us with another team last year. Even after only one day, we feel like they are good friends and hope to see them again. You can see from the photos the impact they had on our kids!
The day after their visit, we visited the hospital with two kids and our favorite “doc”, Emmanuel Decker who had just returned from a stay in UK with his wife, Bridget and daughter Hadassah during which time they acquired another “Decker”, another precious girl! We wasted no time in getting him to help us navigate the hospital maze with JiaZhi who has uncorrected spina bifida and hydrocephalus AND JiaHao who is adoptable but with an indefinite condition that we hoped to nail down. In the case of JiaZhi, we were thwarted in our efforts but we have been assured that he will be going to BeiJing for surgery as soon as the Spring Festival holiday is over. JiaHao is thought to have a genetic condition that has rendered him slow to grow and with weak muscles. We are encouraged by the fact that he seems to be gaining more strength every day. We had lunch at a nearby KFC and he discovered the wonder of French fries! This kid is definitely a two fisted muncher!
In addition to the team from the States, we have had lots of visitors from right here in Shenyang. We’ve had Korean/Chinese, Chinese, etc. with a special visit from the folks from a famous local restaurant who brought loads of food! The occasion for all these visitors is Spring Festival which is the most important holiday in China and combines Christmas, New Year and aspects of the 4th of July, too! As a matter of fact, firecrackers have been going off steadily since the middle of the month and won’t die totally down until next week some time!
One bittersweet note: our good friend, Peggy, was called home after an extended illness. She was a trooper and continually rose above the debilitation of the illness to teach her most important subject to her Chinese “children” which numbered in excess of 1000 through the years she and Jimmy, her husband, have been in Shenyang. She was an inspiration to all who knew her and we miss her,for the time being, but we know where she is and that we’ll have a fabulous reunion one of these days! One of our little ones went to join her last Sunday and it was a comfort to us to know that she had a welcoming committee headed up by Peggy! I have a vision of them frolicking with the Lord, finally free of all pain and weakness!
Thank all of you that support us through prayer and finances. We are your servants to these handicapped orphans and could never make it in our own strength. We feel your encouragement when we feel weak and so appreciate it. May the peace and joy of the Lord be yours today and forever!
Love, Elaine and Migyeong
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
Ambassadors of Joy (China)
c/o Keith Ragsdale
4110 E. 85th St
Tulsa, Ok 74137
“Open Bible Fellowship”
1439 E. 71st. Street
Tulsa, Ok. 74136
With “mission/Migyeong Kang” in the memo of the check
Our mailing address in China:
Elaine Hennessy
#12-1 XinAnJiangJie, 22A #2-6-1, HuangGuQu
Shenyang, Liaoning 110035

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