August 30, 2009
Dear Friends
I have read an article in the news paper about Shenyang which said it was one of worst polluted city in the world, but now NO more. I believe that it is true. We are able to see a blue sky often these days. Shenyang has changed marvelously since we first got here in 1998. Do you know why? Because we are here. (Joking) It is time that the spirit of people in Shenyang to be changed just like the city has been changed!
LuPing who has spinal bifida and is in the 8th grade is going to be washed by His blood in September. We are very proud of him. We don’t know about his future yet, but we know he will be a His good servant for His glory.
This is the time to share about our latest miracle. We have asked for Jiahao’s family for a long time. Now, the dream has become true! We have a friend in North Carolina who visited Shenyang in 2005. She has a son called Miracle Mark. G_d made him be a miracle to be alive with their family. So he became Miracle Mark. Our friend Julia has experienced compassion for a disabled child through her own experience and so she and her family have decided to adopt Jiahao! Jiahao is our miracle, too. He is now able to move around like a rabbit hops and is learning to talk one by one. He moves all the area by walker. Now, he has found his home and family forever. Please, pray for Jiahao’s adoption process continually. The family can’t wait to see him!
Leann, our forever volunteer came back to China again and has made a huge difference in the lives of our kids! Especially, Wenxi who was able to learn a special love through Leann’s love. Actually, Leann was a little upset since she was told that the director from Beijing adoption agency wouldn’t come in May to see Wenxi. He was supposed to meet Wenxi in May to evaluate the possibility of them becoming a family. But, there was another miracle for Wenxi and Leann. While Leann was in Dream Home, the Vice Director for Beijing adoption agency visited our Dream Home and was very impressed by Leann’s heart who wants to adopt this disabled boy who not only has spina bifida, but also hydrocephalus and club feet. She promised to do her best to help Wenxi’s adoption.
Friends, It is not easy to change their new adoption rule. It takes time, we know. But, we believe that nothing is impossible in Him. Please, include Wenxi’s adoption in your pray list.
About, our youth, they are thrilled to death to become cultured people. Do you know what does it mean? We got 5 new computers from our lovely friends at the BMW company. Our youth are leaning typing and drawing and, of course, games. It is such a wonderful moment when we see what our youth are doing on computers. No more having to wait so long for the old computers to start up! That’s why G_d also makes new creatures from the old.
This is the really good news. Elaine came back to China, finally. Our youth and I missed her so much. Now you can hear from Elaine:
I hardly know how to start! After spending over four months in the States, I am of somewhat mixed emotions being back in Shenyang. I got so comfortable with my “old” friends in Tulsa, Austin and elsewhere, I really miss them a lot! On the other hand, I can’t but feel like HERE is where I belong! Have I mentioned my interest in tele-porting as a new technology. I would volunteer to be a guinea pig any time!
I was a little slow to get over jetlag this time, maybe because of the intense heat and little air-conditioning! The weather has cooled off considerable so I am feeling MUCH better.
Thanks to the generosity of the Rifton Company who makes the BEST gait-trainers, I was able to bring back three new Pacers when I came. It was miraculous how this all worked out for me to bring three large boxes along with my usual two big bins. First the kindness of Patricia at Rifton in donating two small and then a large gait trainer so that DongDong could be mobile again. Then, I was able to make the acquaintance of a very nice Korean lady with Korean Air in Dallas who facilitated the transport of all this baggage! I don’t want to forget Isaac at the Shenyang Air Port who was a life saver on this end when I was faced with all this on the conveyer belt and no one to help me get out to the truck that Migyeong had hired to carry it home! All along the way, it was blessing after blessing, not the least was that of my friend, Keith Ellen who drove me to Dallas from Austin to start the trip!
In the next couple of days, the gait-trainers had been unpacked and you can imagine the looks on the faces of the kids at the orphanage when they saw them for the first time, especially DongDong! You won’t have to imagine as I am attaching a picture of him and Wu laoshi! Migyeong has mentioned JiaHao who was another recipient of a gait-trainer. Previously, he had been a “limp noodle” who could hardly sit upright much less handle such a vehicle. Look at him now! He is growing in strength daily! I’m sure that part of this is also due to the hard work on the part of Leann. One regret is that I totally missed her visit in Shenyang! I had all these plans of us going to the local Home Depot and similar joints! Next year!
I was so happy to see the youth for the first time! It seems like they have matured quite a bit since I’ve been gone. Maybe it is due to their new experiences in the outside world?
Whatever, they looked GREAT to me! I am looking forward to spending much more time with them as fall comes to Shenyang.
Just a note to say that Ambassadors of Joy, along with Keith Ellen have moved from Tulsa to Austin, Texas. Her parents live there and it is where she was born so she has proved the old adage totally wrong that “you can’t go home again”. Not only has she “gone home” but with flags flying. She has a position with the new Nursing program at Concordia University there and will be developing the curriculum for the start of next’s year’s classes. She has a beautiful new home in northwest Austin that is very comfortable for her and the “ark” consisting of my cat, Pricilla Catherine(PC), her cat, Kittyman and her two pooches, Ashley Katy Anne and Sabastian. Thanks again to Steve for helping us get “set up” technologically speaking. It was somewhat of a “homecoming” for me, too, since I’d spent nearly 40 years in Austin myself. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for Tulsa and my friends there and they can count on me spending lots of time there when Migyeong and I come for our annual visits!
I want to thank all of you for your financial and prayer support, particularly during this time when we were unable to write to you all. You were always in our thoughts and pr’s and we give thanks regularly for your steadfastness to us!
Please notice the change of address in the following.
Much love, Elaine and Migyeong
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
Ambassadors of Joy (China)
c/o Keith Ragsdale
7107 Boniface Ln.
Austin, Texas 78729
“Open Bible Fellowship”
1439 E. 71st. Street
Tulsa, Ok. 74136
With “mission/Migyeong Kang” in the memo of the check
Our mailing address in China:
Elaine Hennessy
#12-1 XinAnJiangJie, 22A #2-6-1, HuangGuQu
Shenyang, Liaoning 110035
Our phone number in Shenyang:

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