November 11, 2008
Dear Folks,
Well, this is certainly a date that has been important in MY life! One can’t be around our nation’s veterans for long and not look forward to this day. I still remember the “medal of Honor” winners that attended our Veteran’s Day celebrations in Austin along with the “Missing man fly-overs” from Bergstrom (when it was still a SAC air force base and not yet the Austin air port). And who can forget the “echo taps” played by the Gary Job Corps? It still gets to me here on a sunny but cool morning in China!
Our little man, WenXi finally had his date in the hospital to have his un-descended testicles taken care of. For some reason, the Chinese way is to take the kids to the hospital a week or two prior to surgery and then again after surgery. Since he can’t feel below his waist, this was a piece of cake for him with absolutely NO PAIN. He’s back with us and going strong.
Some recent news about JiaHao, indicates that he might have a dislocated hip or two. We need approximately $500 for the MRI to check this out. The orphanage has said that they are willing to help us find him a “forever” home in the States or some other Western country. I have met some new friend on a website dedicated to Shenyang_Families of orphans from here and they are willing to help me get him maximum exposure once we are able to determine the source of his disability. Everyone really loves this one, so, keep the pr’s going that all of this will fall into place for him.
I guess one of the most exciting developments lately is the contracting for a garage here in our apartment complex. For months, none were available so when we found one, we felt we needed to jump on it! It is in a good location for a little craft shop. The work to make it a shop instead of a garage has begun. We’ve delayed, for the moment, the search for a suitable apartment for the four girls (ShenJia, HuaJing, LiNa, and MeiMei) until we know we can afford to pay for this project (approx. $1000 a month including everything) and not jeopardize our current commitments to salaries and other things including the school boys’ expenses which amount to almost $500 a month. Adding nearly $1500, in all, a month to our budget is really stretching us even with the penny-pinching Migyeong in charge! We really need your help with witty ideas and ingenious plans to raise more regularly occurring monthly funds! In the meantime, we are praising our ultimate Boss who LOVES orphans and has more than enough to meet these needs!
Also in the meantime, Christmas is just around the corner and I promised you some suggestions for gifts for our kids. Here are some I’ve thought of:
1. Remembering how much the youth loved the Karaoke place, I’ve priced different musical devices like tambourines and such and they range from about $6 for a harmonica to $30 for a case full of rhythm instruments. These are here in Shenyang.
2. Any craft kit. I ran across something on the web called “needle punch embroidery” that looked interesting and different. I think if we could get the needles and some instruction, we could get the thread and material here.
3. Both the boys and girls love jewelry so bracelets and necklaces would thrill them.
4. Craft books that would help teach them “new tricks” would be welcome, too.
5. Coloring books for older kids are good along with glitter glue and the like.
6. Wood burning tools. The boys are still making do with a soldering iron!
By the way: another spectacular item is the birth of our new WEBSITE called ! Please check it out and check back with it as I have the time to provide the rest of the information so that Joyce and Kathy in Maine (one of our favorite states!) can make updates!
RECAP of our needs:
Expenses to be met for Dream Home Shop Project (about $1000/month). Expenses for LuPing and LiangLiang to stay with the family and go to
middle school (about $500/month).
MRI for JiaHao ($500).
Christmas presents for the youth including LuPing and LiangLiang.
We really love and appreciate your prayers and support for our work here in China. We also love hearing from you all! Love, Elaine and Migyeong
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
“Open Bible Fellowship”
1439 E. 71st. Street
Tulsa, Ok. 74136
With “mission/Migyeong Kang” in the memo of the check
Ambassadors of Joy (China)
c/o Keith Ragsdale
4110 E. 85th St
Tulsa, Ok 74137
Our mailing address in China:
Elaine Hennessy
#12-1 XinAnJiangJie, 22A #2-6-1, HuangGuQu
Shenyang, Liaoning 110035 CN

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